My Music

My Music

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Go the Distance

So I said before that I have been working on Go the Distance from Hercules and that there was just one part that I couldn't quite get. Well I finally got it!!!! It took a lot of practicing but I finally got it and so here it is. I'm gonna post When You Believe from Prince of Egypt next. I have it down but I found out that I'm not playing part of it at the right speed so I gotta work on that. I hope I can get a lot more songs done quicker so that I can show you what I've been working on. I know that this is played perfectly but it was pretty good. Whenever I tried to play it again, a plane would fly by and so I couldn't hear my playing or finally Caiden came out of Mom and Dad's room. Oh well. Hope you enjoy this still. Oh yeah I did just get a haircut today and so this shows off my new haircut done by Ashleigh. She's awesome!!!